Factor, One Month In

A month ago today, I was paying for my new horse!

He is getting acclimated to the herd and seems to have made a few friends!


Keeping tally on Factor, and loving the experience and each interaction we have to build them. He is very sensible, and really has a quiet that settles. He has a brief reaction, like a “setting" of himself. Then he observes. I haven't seen him panic yet.


Two weeks into Keratex - we are doing really well there. He still has chipping happening, though, so we’ll see what Trevor says when he is out next month.

We also measured him - he is 980 lbs right now. Tip to tail he is 81" - putting him in a comfortable Rambo 78. I’m guessing him to be about 16 hands right now, but I think it’s time to start tracking that too. :]